Tip #3: Use paint, fabric and light to make that home sell fast! This is Seattle people...we want sunlight, we want it bright and buyers want it sparkling! Now I'm not talking about all white either....boring. I'm talking about bright colors on the walls, furniture and letting in as much sunlight as possible.
Open up the blinds (all the way..I mean pull them all the way up) and take off those heavy drapes. If the blinds are blocking the view or the sun, take them off. Use a nice window shear to create softness. Hang the fabric high to create a since of space and make those ceilings feel even taller. And by all means, have those windows washed inside and out, take off the screens and leave them in the garage or basement (yes, leave them off for the buyer to put back on).
Waterbury Cream HC-31 on the Wall and White Dove Trim |
Using fabric: Use fabric to create drama and add style. If your couch is stuck in 1990 give it a face lift with a couch cover, target has a good selection. Choose a neutral color and add your splash of color with pillows and a soft throw.
The brighter the house the better it will sell, especially here in Seattle!